
Press releases

10 Press releases

bdla orientation guide and online seminar on the remuneration of services when applying the BKompV

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The Association of German Landscape Architects (Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten) has published a current orientation guide with information on remuneration in the application of the Federal Compensation Ordinance. It is aimed equally at project developers, licensing authorities and providers of planning services.

Press releases · 12. March 2021

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Experience the city centre through contemporary landscape architecture

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bdla calls for more support for local authorities

The foundation of our city centres, the retail trade, has been reduced by the increasing online trade in recent years. Pandemic and lockdown are accelerating the process.

Press releases · 04. March 2021

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bdla orientation aids for the HOAI 2021

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New online documents on various topics on questions of fees developed and published.

With the entry into force of the HOAI 2021 on 1 January 2021, binding minimum and maximum rates for services provided by architects and engineers are history. Although the HOAI remains state law, it now only has an orienting character. In the amendment of 2021, so-called orientation values with fee ranges between the basic fee rate and an upper fee rate are shown. These correspond to the previous minimum and maximum rates.

Press releases · 16. February 2021

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Shaping the future, studying landscape architecture

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bdla demands an increase in study capacities for more professionals

Press releases · 03. February 2021

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Awarded - German Landscape Architecture Prize 2021

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Application in online procedure. Deadline on January 26, 2021

Press releases · 03. February 2021

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Competition FRISCHGRÜN21

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An exhibition of the bdla on "Young Landscape Architecture". Competition submission online extended until March 27, 2021

The bdla has set itself the goal of giving the young landscape architecture scene a stage in the form of an exhibition: FRISCHGRÜN21 - the Young Landscape Architecture Exhibition at BUGA Erfurt 2021.

Press releases · 03. February 2021

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Strengthening the culture of competition

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bdlaflyer"Quality and Fairness in Planning Competitions" published

The Association of German Landscape Architects published the flyer "Quality and Fairness in Planning Competitions" at the end of 2020. Planning competitions play a central role as an awarding instrument and as a tool to ensure planning and thus also construction qualities. They are an important building block of building culture.

Press releases · 02. February 2021

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Landscape architects - We design climate

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Advisory board of the bdla met on 13.11.2020.
Focal points of the association's work and elections

This year's advisory board meeting of the bdla took place on 13 November 2020. Due to Corona, it had to be held online; all presidium members, regional group chairpersons and expert speakers were connected. Till Rehwaldt, bdla president, and bdla national managing director Mario Kahl informed about association activities in 2019 and 2020. Key points of the full-time and voluntary commitment in the association were green infrastructure and climate adaptation as well as the recruitment and promotion of young professionals.

Press releases · 14. January 2021

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Update 2021 - News from the fabulous world of rulebooks

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Online seminar of the bdla on 22 February 2021

Every year in winter, many landscape architects from planning offices and administrations have the bdla construction manager meetings as a fixed date in their calendar. Not so this year for well-known reasons. Instead, the bdla offers colleagues the annual update "News from the world of fabulous regulations", an elementary component of the construction manager talks, on 22 February 2021 as an online seminar.

Press releases · 13. January 2021

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Awarded - German Landscape Architecture Prize 2021

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Application in the online procedure. Deadline on 26 January 2021

The bdla has announced the German Landscape Architecture Award for the 15th time. With the more intensive use of urban and landscape spaces, ever higher demands are being placed on the performance of the environment. Urban growth and the simultaneous emptying of rural regions, climate change, the energy transition and economic challenges are generating pressure to adapt and conflicts. With great effort, existing infrastructures are currently being adapted to the changed conditions and entire systems are being rebuilt. For the development and realisation of these new systems, a fundamental rethinking is required at all planning levels. The term "green infrastructure" emphasises the importance of green space, open space and landscape planning for the provision of public services.

Press releases · 04. November 2020

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