
Press releases

10 Press releases

bdla honorary membership to Dr. Lutz Spandau

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Recognition of the services rendered to landscape architecture by the board of the Allianz Environmental Foundation

In recognition of his outstanding services to landscape architecture and the profession, the Association of German Landscape Architects has awarded Dr. Lutz Spandau, board member of the Allianz Environmental Foundation, with honorary bdla membership. The honor was bestowed by resolution of the bdla advisory board.

Press releases · 28. April 2020

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Construction projects and planning contracts in times of Corona

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Video presentation with Dr. Sebastian Schattenfroh, legal advisor of the bdla

The Corona virus is keeping the world in suspense. Social life is at a standstill, and the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic are increasingly being felt in the economy. In the construction industry, in addition to liquidity bottlenecks on the part of clients and contractors, there could be difficulties in particular with material deliveries or manpower due to quarantine measures. Contractually agreed deadlines cannot be met. What legal consequences can these disruptions in the construction process have?

Press releases · 31. March 2020

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Initiative Green for Town and Country

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Third Parliamentary Evening of the four green industry associations on 10 March 2020 in Berlin

Press releases · 11. March 2020

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bdla starts founder forum for young landscape architects

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Further building block for the promotion of young talent in the association

With the "Founders' Forum", the bdla launches a further offer for collegial advice and the discussion of current issues among each other. At the same time the federal association makes an important contribution with this on-line communication platform in things "new generation advertisement, - promotion and - connection".

Press releases · 20. February 2020

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bdla brochure on flood proofing

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Handout with information on implementation, scope of services and remuneration

The bdla has recently published the brochure "Überflutungsnachweis. On the services and remuneration for a proof of safety against flooding or for a controlled damage-free flooding of properties according to DIN 1986-100".

Press releases · 05. February 2020

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Young professionals and climate adaptation

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New focal points of the bdla's association work for 2020 ff.

Following an intensive discussion process within the association and its committees last year, the Federation of German Landscape Architects has defined its work programme for 2020 onwards. The main topics are "Recruitment of young professionals" and "Climate adaptation and climate protection".

Press releases · 04. February 2020

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Planning Office 2020 and 2030

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Young Landscape Architects Workshop and 12th bdla Business Forum on 2 and 3 March 2020 in Kassel.

Press releases · 08. January 2020

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Additional qualification in environmental construction supervision on the road to success

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bdla will continue the in-service training in Osnabrück in 2020.

Press releases · 24. October 2019

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Too short-sighted - only federal projects in focus

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bdla comments on the draft of the Federal Compensation Ordinance.

Press releases · 21. October 2019

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bdla working group plant use constituted

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Building material "plant" as a core competence of landscape architects.

Press releases · 18. October 2019

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