
20 News - Bayern

Seminar Flooding Proof. Frankfurt a.M., September 5

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In cooperation with bdla Baden-Württemberg and bdla Bayern, bdla Hessen is organising the half-day seminar "Flood proof" in Frankfurt am Main.

The seminar is divided into an introductory lecture, examples and practical exercises on flood proofs. First of all, the general conditions, basic determination and calculation procedure for the proof will be presented. Deficiencies and cases of damage from expert practice will also be discussed. Together with the participants of the seminar, flood proofs are carried out. Various planning situations, such as inner courtyards, parking lots and underground garage access roads, as well as the connection of property drainage to infiltration systems, serve as examples.

News - Bayern · 17. June 2019

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bdla Colleague Meeting 2019. Munich, 10 July

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For many years, Markus Schäf has been organizing tours of extraordinary landscape architecture projects in Munich for bdla bayern. This summer, two site visits are scheduled, to which bdla bayern invites all interested parties.

The tours are free of charge, registration via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is requested.

News - Bayern · 28. May 2019

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Field day Extensive cropping with field wild herb protection in compensation management. Mintraching, 11 July

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Field wild herbs are an important component of the field ecosystem, e.g. as a food source for insects and field birds. Across Bavaria, about one third of the field wild herbs are endangered or already extinct. As part of the project "Arable wild herbs for Bavaria's cultivated landscape - production-integrated promotion of rare and endangered arable wild herbs", these species are collected regionally, propagated and established on suitable sites.

News - Bayern · 26. May 2019

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bdla Bavaria invites to participate in working groups: Take a position now!

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The bdla Bavaria plans for the coming years a more intensive discussion and influence of the Federation of German Landscape Architects on current regional and supra-regional landscape architectural topics.

News - Bayern · 23. May 2019

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bdla Summer Party 2019. Munich, 13 July

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Since 2013, we have traditionally welcomed our members and guests to the bdla Bayern summer party at the Vorhoelzer Forum in Munich every July. This year, the evening once again offers the opportunity for conversations among colleagues on the roof terrace and a new edition of our Landscape Architecture eXport series.

News - Bayern · 15. May 2019

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Meeting of the advisory board of the Weihenstephan Landscape Academy

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Prof. Dr. Swantje Duthweiler was admitted to the advisory board of the Academy of Landscape Architecture Weihenstephan (alw) on May 10 in Wassertrüdingen and replaced Uwe Fischer, who had represented the bdla on the board for many years.

News - Bayern · 11. May 2019

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Architect tours. Bavaria-wide, 29 / 30 June

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On the last weekend in June, the time has come again: 244 new showcase projects at 148 locations in Bavaria will open their doors. As always, the "Architect Tours" of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects are all about spaces of all kinds and the associated creative process of architects, interior designers, landscape architects and urban planners.

News - Bayern · 10. May 2019

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Landscape Architecture Day. Weihenstephan, July 5

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In 2019, the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences will once again host the annual Landscape Architecture Day. Since its introduction in 2014, this day has grown in importance every year. Alumni from all over the Federal Republic, and increasingly from abroad, once again enjoy coming to their alma mater on this day.

In recent years, representatives of administrations, offices and companies have also increasingly taken advantage of this event of public and academic coexistence to exchange ideas, enter into conversation with the next generation of professionals and not infrequently new employees have been recruited on this occasion.

News - Bayern · 08. May 2019

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Biodiversity in Bavaria: results and interim status

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On Wednesday, May 8, the bill to amend the Bavarian Nature Conservation Act in favor of biodiversity and natural beauty in Bavaria ("Save the Bees!") will enter its 1st reading in the Bavarian State Parliament.

The results of the previous round table, in which the bdla Bavaria contributed its positions to the specialist group Garden, Settlements, Municipal and Urban Spaces through Dr. Johannes Gnädinger and Rupert Schelle, can be found here in the final report of the moderator Alois Glück, former President of the State Parliament.

News - Bayern · 06. May 2019

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Biodiversity in the city - what to do!

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Forty participants accepted the invitation of the bdla Bavaria to attend the specialist seminar on species protection in the city on 11 April in Munich. Among them were representatives of housing associations, the City of Munich, nature conservation and environmental associations as well as representatives of the profession.

News - Bayern · 15. April 2019

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3rd bdla Plant Planner Days on 21 / 22 June 2019 in Freising

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Greening concepts for the city of the future are a hot topic among experts. The bdla Planting Planner Days provide a comprehensive overview of the essential developments in the planning of woody and perennial plantings.

The 3rd event of this new bdla advanced training series will take place on 21 and 22 June 2019 at the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences in Freising. Renowned experts from Germany and abroad will give lectures on the topics I) Planting, care, tendering and acceptance, II) Presentation of planting plans, III) Plant knowledge, IV) Creativity and design in planting planning.

News - Bayern · 15. April 2019

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meet&eat. München, 4. Dezember

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The junior speakers of the bdla Bavaria invite the juniors of the bdla and all who want to become one to the meet

News - Bayern · 12. April 2019

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meet&eat of the juniors. Munich, May 16

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The junior speakers of bdla Bavaria invite the juniors of bdla and all who want to become one to the meet

News - Bayern · 12. April 2019

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bdla Bavaria congratulates initiators of the petition for a referendum on biodiversity

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The Association of German Landscape Architects (bdla) Bavarian regional association congratulates the initiators of the petition for a referendum on biodiversity "Save the bees", all supporters and other alliance partners!

News - Bayern · 04. April 2019

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bdla Bayern supports petition for a referendum to save biodiversity

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The aim of the referendum launched today is to anchor regulations in the Bavarian Nature Conservation Act that will save biodiversity.

News - Bayern · 31. January 2019

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bdla Bayern: New year, new board, new impulses

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On January 25, 2019, the General Meeting and New Year's Reception of bdla Bavaria took place at the House of Architecture of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects.

News - Bayern · 29. January 2019

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Landscape Architecture Day 2019. Munich, 14 March

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Thinking about tomorrow's urban open space today.

News - Bayern · 29. January 2019

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Obituary of Helmut Schwahn, Landscape Architect bdla and former Horticultural Director

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The bdla Bavaria mourns the death of former garden director Helmut Schwahn, who passed away in Munich on 10 January 2019.

News - Bayern · 27. January 2019

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Seminar Sustainable Outdoor Facilities. Nuremberg, 28 March

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Landscape architecture is largely perceived by the public, as well as by the players themselves, as a "green" profession that is "sustainable" per se. Is this true?

News - Bayern · 23. January 2019

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Facade Greening Forum 2019. Munich, 9 April

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The Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V. (BuGG) will be presenting the topic of façade greening as part of its first-ever seminar series "Façade Greening Forum 2019" in Munich, among other places.

News - Bayern · 18. January 2019

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