
20 News - Bayern

Current survey on municipal landscape planning in Bavaria: Take part!

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At the start of the year 2022, we invite all municipalities in Bavaria to actively participate in the project "Landscape Planning in Bavaria - Municipal and Innovative". The project of the StMUV (2021-2024) aims to make the landscape plan visible as part of the municipal development for the municipalities, to activate and further develop it.

News - Bayern · 18. January 2022

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General Meeting 2022 on February 18

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The bdla Bavaria cordially invites you to the general meeting on Friday, February 18, 2022 from 13:00! Due to the current situation, the general meeting will also be held digitally this year.
In the context of the general meeting 2022 the executive committee of the bdla Bavaria is newly elected.

Public part

  • Graduates of the HSWT and the TU Munich will present their theses and will be awarded with the bdla Bavaria Young Talent Award.
  • Lecture "Landscape architecture: a profession in search of meaning" by Gerhard Matzig, editor in the feature section of the Süddeutsche Zeitung

News - Bayern · 10. January 2022

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Welcome 2022!

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The board and the office of bdla Bavaria wish all members, partners, friends and supporters a good start into the new year!

News - Bayern · 02. January 2022

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German Landscape Conservation Award 2021

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The German Association for Landscape Management (DVL) has currently awarded two projects and two persons with the German Landscape Management Award 2021 for their outstanding achievements in the preservation and development of cultural landscapes.

Two of the projects or persons are located in Bavaria...

News - Bayern · 16. December 2021

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TV Tip: Under & Over. How cities can grow sustainably

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A four-part architecture film series by BR. Broadcast as part of the ARD theme week "Stadt.Land.Wandel" on 10 / 17 November 2021.

News - Bayern · 02. November 2021

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German Sustainability Award: Research for climate resilience

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The jury of the German Sustainability Award has selected this year's three finalists of the German Sustainability Award Research 2021, which present solutions for adapting to climate change in cities and regions.

The winning project of the research award will be determined in cooperation with the science program "nano" (3sat) via online voting (25.10. - 15.11.2021). "nano" will present all finalists in the first week of November 2021.

Broadcast dates

  • 02 November, 18:30: Green city of the future
  • 03 November, 18:30: HeatResilientCity
  • 04 November, 18:30: LoKlim

Further Information

News - Bayern · 29. October 2021

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On our own behalf: The work of the association is alive. And how!

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Dear colleagues,

Since we are often asked by you what the association actually does for the profession, we have highlighted the year 2021 for you as an example.

It has to be said, however, that not all topics and certainly not all - voluntarily - active members could be mentioned in the following. - who are active for and in the state association could be mentioned.

If, after reading this, you suddenly feel like becoming actively involved or can imagine becoming a member: Please contact our office, we are looking forward to hearing from you!

News - Bayern · 15. October 2021

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Gravel gardens versus rock gardens: A commentary by the bdla Bavaria

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In July 2021, the Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Construction and Transport, in close technical coordination with the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection, issued a statement on the climate-sensitive handling of precipitation water in urban land use planning, in particular the determination of the base area in relation to "rock gardens/gravel areas", as a result of numerous enquiries from local authorities, planning offices and building supervisory authorities.

In response to the letter to lower building supervisory authorities, governments and municipal umbrella organizations, bdla Bavaria would like to advance the factual discussion and on September 25 drafted a statement with which the professional association explicitly calls for a differentiation of gravel gardens from rock gardens, gravel mulch and gravelly soil substrates.

News - Bayern · 29. September 2021

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Advanced training series 2021: BIM for landscape - practical reports

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In the third part of the digital training series of bdla Bavaria, the focus in September / October 2021 was on BIM in landscape architecture. Three practical reports provided insights into current developments.

The fourth part will deal with technical standards and current legal topics from November 2021. Further information will follow soon!

News - Bayern · 15. September 2021

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IFLA President's Award presented to Professor Fritz Auweck

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Professor Fritz Auweck, bdla international spokesman and long-time German representative at IFLA, was presented with the IFLA President's Award 2021 for his outstanding international services to the profession.

News - Bayern · 19. August 2021

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Bavarian Climate Protection Prize awarded for the first time

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This year, for the first time, the Bavarian State Government is awarding a prize for special services to climate protection. Proposals for the Bavarian Climate Protection Award can be submitted from now until mid-September.

News - Bayern · 09. August 2021

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Climate state Bavaria: Government declaration

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The Bavarian Prime Minister Dr. Markus Söder, MdL, delivered his government declaration Klimaland Bayern to the Bavarian State Parliament on 21 July 2021.

All goals and principles as well as the five designated core areas and 50 measures can be found at:

News - Bayern · 26. July 2021

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2nd Young Landscape Architecture Workshop on 21.09.2021 online

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Topics are the changes of the HOAI, economy, efficiency and strategies in everyday office life as well as in competitions and contract discussions. The seminar will provide the opportunity for a joint exchange of experiences.

News - Bayern · 25. July 2021

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Bavarian Landscape Architecture Award 2020: The Winners

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In the presence of numerous guests from politics, administration and the planning and construction industry, the winners of the main prizes and in the categories were chosen via live stream on Friday, 9 July 2021.

News - Bayern · 22. July 2021

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Bavarian Chamber of Architects: Presidium and Board of Directors newly elected

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Lydia Haack is the new President of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects

At its constituent meeting on 25 June 2021, the XIIIth Representative Assembly of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects elected architect and urban planner Prof. Lydia Haack as President of the Chamber. She replaces architect Christine Degenhart, who has headed the Bavarian Chamber of Architects since July 2016. The newly elected 1st Vice President is architect Prof. Clemens Richarz. Landscape architect and urban planner Franz Damm, top candidate of the list of landscape architects bdla, was appointed as further vice president.

News - Bayern · 26. June 2021

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6-point plan for a Bavaria fit for the future: Now let's get a fresh start together on the LEP!

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"A new start together on the LEP now!" - Open appeal for a modern and binding regional development programme in Bavaria.

News - Bayern · 16. June 2021

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Partner municipalities wanted for activated landscape planning in Bavaria!

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Together with committed municipalities, municipal landscape planning in Bavaria is to be further developed. For this purpose, the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection (StMUV) has launched a new project for the "Activation and further development of municipal landscape planning in Bavaria". Interested municipalities are requested to register with the Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (ANL) by 30.07.2021.

News - Bayern · 09. June 2021

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16 Principles for sustainable, resource-conserving landscape architecture

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The bdla Bavaria working group on climate protection has, as an interim result of the previous discussion on the topics of climate change and climate protection, drawn up 16 possible principles that appear relevant to our profession.

News - Bayern · 25. May 2021

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Landscape planning in Bavaria: model project starts

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The "Landscape plan reset" initiative launched by bdla Bavaria is now real: Under the title "Activation of landscape planning in Bavaria", a project has been launched under the leadership of the State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection (StMUV), which aims to revitalise and further develop landscape planning in cooperation with model municipalities (2021 - 2024).

In a kick-off meeting between the Ministry, specialist authorities, municipal umbrella organisations and the bdla Bayern, the basic approach and the main objectives and contents were exchanged on 23 April.

News - Bayern · 14. May 2021

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meet eat of the juniors. June 1, online

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The junior spokespersons of bdla Bavaria - Krishna Cholleti, Eva Orpel, Fabian Konopka, Laura Stoib, Julian Treffler, Regina Klinger

News - Bayern · 13. May 2021

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